Sunday, January 18, 2009

Assignment 2-1: American Idolatry and Chris Daughtry

I am amazed by the ongoing success of American Idol.  It seems as though it will continue on for another 10 years if it continues at its current rate.  A.I. has definitely become a pop culture phenomenon as itis now the most-watched show on television.  I feel that it ties in with our examination of the hero myth in our society, as we all watch for one of the contestants to become "the next American Idol" and be thrust into the spotlight.  The cameras chronicle every audition (good and bad) and follow the hopefuls all the way to Hollywood.  This perpetuates the myth of the American Dream, as evidenced by past winners such as Fantasia, a single mother who is now a multi-millionaire.  When aspiring singers who may be struggling see someone they can connect with make it to Hollywood, it encourages them to try out with the hope of making it big.  Not everyone who tries out makes it to Hollywood; this is obvious in the numerous funny auditions by those who cannot sing, yet try their damndest to belt out Aretha Franklin's hits.  I feel bad for the people who get up in front of millions of viewers only to be laughed out of the audition room, but I wonder if some of them are doing it as a publicity stunt so their friends back home can see them on television.  Nonetheless, A.I. is growing into a pop culture icon and will most certainly be looked at as changing the face of the music and entertainment industry.      

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